Orly Eisner lives in Kibbutz Gvat and is married with three children. She studies kitchen design, architecture and interior design as well as the principles of feng shui design.
She has years of experience that includes the design of private homes, public facilities such as kindergartens, crèches, childrens clubhouses, youth clubs, sensory room for babies and senior citizens facilities. In 2001 she redesigned the Plastro Gvat water management plant and gave it a completely new look, for won the company a Beautiful Industry Prize jointly awarded by the Trade and Industry Ministry and Council for a Beautiful Israel (CBI).
Three years ago Orly and her partner established an art studio for creative design using natural materials. Most of Orlys work focuses on pictures made from old wooden window frames that serve as frames for her compositions of characters and items made from bits of Formica painted with acrylic paints. Orly also paints naïve pictures on canvas boards that are reminiscent of childrens drawings.
Orlys original and unique designs are colorful, enchanting and optimistic. They are available in selected stores throughout the country and are displayed in several galleries in the United States. |